The latest object of my technolust
I’ve been a digital camera enthusiast for over five years now, and I’ve kept upgrading cameras along the way. Our household currently has a Canon Powershot G2 as well as a Powershot S400
I haven’t shot on film in that entire time, and sometimes I really miss the features, control and feel of a true SLR camera. Well now that can all change with the release of the Canon EOS Digital Rebel. This baby sports a 6.3 megapixel sensor, is compatible with over 50 Canon lenses (as well as third party lenses) and is at a list price of $999. Now many people might think that a thousand dollar camera is too much, but I guarantee you that this thing will fly off the shelves at that price. 1K for a digital SLR is unheard of, and is a huge win for Canon.
I’m hoping to pick one up soon, and if I do, I’ll report back with my findings.
In the meantime, do any of you dabble in digital photography? What are you currently using? Discuss!
October 1, 2003 @ 4:45 pm
Well, I am actually jumping into the digital pic world. Tomorrow I receive my new digital camera. I wanted something that was dog-easy to use, but could be used in manual mode with decent control. I also wanted 4MP, but really wanted 5MP. And I wanted to spend as little as possible (don’t we all?) – if I could, I wanted to stay under $400 or so.
I did research, read reviews, etc. and wound up with a Minolta Dimage F300. I found one, brand new, on eBay – and won it for $365! I then bought a 256MB SD memory card for it for $61.95 (also on eBay).
I am really excited – I plan on using this camera extensively over the next month or so, as my wife is going to Amsterdam and when she gets back I am taking my two eldest daughters to London for 10 days.
I’ll let you know what I think of it once I give it a go. If you (or anyone else) has suggestions, tips, etc. please let me know!
October 1, 2003 @ 8:14 pm
I got the Olympus Camedia right before Lotusphere in order to take pics of the event. I’ve been pretty happy with it, even though I’m in no way much of a video genius. I just like the convenience of being able to take as many pictures as I want with no regard as to whether they are good or not, and then to sort it out after the download.
October 3, 2003 @ 8:57 am
Currently use canon G1 digital althoug I still continue to use 35mm Canon A2E SLR. Saving my money for the Canon 10D. I look forward to your review/comments on the digital Rebel. Enjoy.