Oh yeah I am HOT
Despite the fact that I am indeed drop-dead sexy, this post isn’t about my raw animal magnetism. Rather, it’s about my lack of coolant-based alternatives to sweating.
You see, within a two-day span, I was told my car’s air conditioning would take over $1500 to fix. This is from the reasonable, not-gonna-screw-me mechanic (the dealer wanted over $3000.) Anyway, that was first. Well, two nights ago the temperature was getting close to a very humid 90 degrees. So it was time to start up the AC. My parents are visiting this weekend, and we wanted the house to be cool for their visit, and I wanted to sleep without swimming in a pool of my own saline. So we fire up the air and nothing. It won’t start up. Not SURE what that is yet (a tech is probably looking at it as I post this) but I have a feeling it isn’t going to be good.
Anyway, given that my car has black leather interior, and I drive about 45 minutes to work each way every day, not having AC is not an option really. I either need to fix it, or I need a new vehicle. I also would like to go from my current 20 MPG vehicle to something more in the realm of 35MPG on up. The problem is, that’s the only type of car that IS selling. So dealers aren’t dropping any prices on those. [sigh] If I had the money I would just get a Civic Hybrid or a Prius, but I just don’t have quite what I need for that kind of car payment. And now, with the house AC out, who knows what that will cost? My raise that I just got might cover a small car payment if the house AC isn’t too rough. We’ll see.
Just when you think you’re financially catching your breath, life goes and kicks you in the junk. And that, is so NOT sexy.