I am resolute – 2006 Remix
Okay, it’s time once again for my yearly resolutions. I did okay last year but it would be nice to do even better this year. So, without further adieu, here they are:
- Lose 10 more pounds. I wanted to lose thirty last year, and only lost 20. So, let’s get rid of that last 10 pounds. Less than a pound a month, I know I can do it.
- Get on those personal websites. I NEED to update my personal and business websites badly. Don’t wanna blow that one off this year.
- Finish uploading pictures to flickr, and finish digitizing my music library. Now that I have the 360, we can access all of this content in the living room. No more excuses.
- Take more artistic photos. As evidenced by Cabo, I can take some decent photographs when I take the time. I need to hone that craft. I’ve invested in the equipment, now I need to invest in me.
- Become an expert on all things Domino 7. We’re already on ND7, so I know that I’m ahead of the curve, but when it comes to all the new admin stuff, I want to be the person YOU go to with questions next year.
- Try Workplace Services Express again. Hopefully there will be another point update soon, and maybe that, coupled with ND7, will finally make this thing work correctly.
- Keep writing. I need to keep up with the articles, the blog, and maybe even start working on some fiction. Been awhile since I did any poetry or short stories. Would be nice to pick that up again.
- Start a podcast. I will do this. The former DJ in me needs to.
- Get at least one more certification. Don’t wanna wait until the last minute again.
- Set a personal schedule. I do better when I can keep to a self-imposed schedule. If I want to fit in all of the aforementioned resolutions, I need to keep to a schedule.
- Keep down the clutter. My wife and I have certain areas of the house that have become dumping grounds for clutter. I need to stop that. I also need to clean out some of those spaces (laundy room, office closet, common room) and make them usable again.
I think that should be enough. It’s pretty ambitious but I think I can accomplish it. And as always, my family and my girls trump every one of these things above. As long as my girls and my wife know that they are the most important things in my life, I’ll have had a great year.
Here’s to 2006!