Lotus Knows I have things to blog about
For those of you waiting on some musings of Lotusphere or my annual Lotusphere picture set on flickr, my apologies for taking so long.
I left Lotusphere to partake in Project Drunken Leprechaun ( #pdl ) in Las Vegas, and as that wound down, I worked out of our Las Vegas office for a few days. Thus, this is my first foray back into normalcy in eleven days. So everything is coming. I finally got out from under a mound of email, caught up on work, mused the iPad announcement, downloaded some fix packs and betas, been solicited for a book review, caught up on my RSS feeds and will be returning home for much in the way of family bonding a little later.
Oh, and after avoiding the usual Lotusphere crud throughout Lotusphere AND Project Drunken Leprechaun, it all caught up with me yesterday. I now cannot breathe through my nose, I have a sore throat and in general just feel like crap. So it’s DayQuil to the rescue.
You’ll start seeing my thoughts and photos in the next couple of days. Better late than never right?
January 28, 2010 @ 6:19 pm
Um… you were supposed to leave those “bugs” in Vegas…