Blogojevich Taint

Blogojevich Taint, originally uploaded by Greyhawk68.
This was a poll on TV here in Chicago last night asking if Senator Roland Burris should resign. He was the one that was appointed by now impeached governor Rod Blogojevich.
I know Blogo is an asshole, but do we really have to bring his taint into it?
Somewhere there is a CG guy laughing his ass off.
February 18, 2009 @ 3:07 pm
So you can’t believe he’s honest just because he’s brought Blago’s taint to the Senate?
How does he even get it past security?
February 19, 2009 @ 7:44 am
This needs, no, REQUIRES as snappy, witty comment.
Problem is I’m laughing a the picture so hard I can’t think of one.