Trinity of Dumbasses
I know I should never, ever go to a Wal-Mart. The place is pure evil, and by going there I am always reminded about how idiotic and rude our culture has become here in the US. Here’s what happened this afternoon.
After work I had to pick up an accessory for my XBox. So I went to department in Wal-Mart and had an employee unlock the accessory for me, and ring it up. As we are going to the register in his department, a teenager with full Hot Topic ensemble and mussy hair asks the employee ‘Duuuude, where are your Whoopie Cushions?’ The guy wasn’t sure what he meant, so the teenager asked again, and when the employee tried to point him to the Furniture department, the guy was like ‘Oh my god Dude, I can’t believe you don’t know what a Whoopie Cushion is! Pathetic dude…’ And he walks away.
The employee was funny about it and asked me if I knew what a Whoopie Cushion was, so I explained it and we laughed. The employee said ‘Wow, I’m really upset that I didn’t know that…’ with a nice dose of sarcasm. The employee was cool, but the teenager was Dumbass number one.
Next, I went to the parking lot. There was a woman whose car was backed into her spot. She was unloading stuff into her car. When she got done, she left the cart in the spot next to her. This was while the cart return was RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER CAR. She would have had to walk an extra ten feet, but NO. Dumbass number two.
NOTE: This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. One time I saw a guy do that so I blocked him in with my car and purposefully took the cart he discarded and returned it to the cart return while he was forced to wait. Nowadays I would probably get shot for that, but anyway, that’s the level I detest these people.
So I leave the lot and start to drive home. On the corner is someone holding a sign advertising a local pizza place. It’s about a four foot by three foot sign and would be a nice advertisement… IF HE WASN’T HOLDING IT UPSIDE DOWN! [sigh] Yes, the moron who’s only job was to hold a sign got it wrong. Dumbass number three.
One trip to Wal-Mart, ten minutes, three complete idiots. I fear for our future… I honestly do. I try to combat it by raising smart, polite, good kids. The only problem is that the idiots are too dumb not to over procreate, so we’ll always be outnumbered… gah.
August 15, 2008 @ 8:07 pm
Oh, man… Where do I go to nominate this for the best blog post subject line of all time!? ROFLMAO!
August 16, 2008 @ 5:55 am
I double dog dare you to visit a walmart on a sunday afternoon……
August 16, 2008 @ 7:03 am
I think that I know about the pizza place you are referencing… we have them here in Detroit area (big surprise).
I actually pull over when I saw the same thing… a dumbass holding the sign upside down. He was the store manager, and he told me that it’s done on purpose so that you notice the sign.
I reminded him that I don’t purchase products from people who are so stupid that they can’t hold a sign the right way, and I drove off.
He turned the sign around, and I never saw anyone hold the sign upside down at that location again…
Maybe they CAN be saved…
August 17, 2008 @ 7:15 pm
Well said that man!
However you missed one major peeve (well of mine anyway) people who park in the disabled bays and are only hampered by having not a shred of common decency,manners or sense.
Outside my local supermarket I spied a merc slk amg parked in a handicapped bay.Now slks are rare enuff slk amgs even rarer so I was keen to give it the once over. I noted No Handicapped badge and got every such a little cross. Now this was in pre-diet mode so there was me, 230 lbs of annoyed biker complete with black helemet,black visor, black leather, black boots. Darth Vader without the cape and compressed air hiss.
Anwyay out comes this chap in suit &tie with a bottle of frigging wine in his hand! I gave him the benefit of my extensive vocabulary and offered to carry him (and his wine) to the car. He declined … what are arsehole!