Apple Fanboys, Lend Me Your Ears

Well folks, the time has finally arrived, I’m getting a Mac at work and making the switch! With help from some co-workers, I was finally able to convince my boss to let me go Mac as my main laptop. Personally, I imagine he was just tired of hearing me whine.


Anyway, now that I’m going Mac, I want to ask you, Mac faithful, what software I need to have. I humbly ask you to please give me your suggestions with links on where to find them! But as a baseline, this is what I KNOW I’m going with.

  • Boot Camp/Parallels (not sure XP or Vista Business)
  • Adobe Photoshop CS3
  • Adobe Illustrator CS3
  • Adobe Lightroom CS3
  • Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
  • Adobe Flash CS3
  • Adobe Fireworks CS3
  • NetNewsWire
  • Firefox
  • Notes 7.0.2

I want to wait until the new MS Office is out for the Mac, but I might not be able to wait that long. In that case I’ll either go NeoOffice or stick with the older Mac Office.

So some things I need include a good Mac FTP client, a CSS editor as good as TopStyle, a universal IM client (although the new Trillian Alpha works through a browser), Something like NotesPing to test Notes connectivity, a good VNC client, and a good Remote Desktops client. Anything else that works well for connecting to Windows and helping a switcher is welcome! Lastly, anyone have something that automatically syncs Google calendar with Notes, or iCal with Notes?

Thanks in advance for your help!!!