Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? Or is it just plagarism?
I read The Register, but there have been enough times where their reporting is pretty shoddy or outright nuts that I always take what they post with a HUGE grain of salt. That said, I never thought that they might, um, borrow verbage and reporting from something I’ve written. Anyway, from the Sametime news yesterday, my article for Intranet Journal had this to say:
That said, support for rival Microsoft’s instant messaging platform is noticeably absent. When asked if the lack of connectivity to Microsoft’s MSN Messenger service was a technical or political hurdle, Saeedi stated that it was neither.
“These aren’t technical issues or political,” Saeedi said. “These are simply business agreements that we’ve put together with other vendors. We currently have agreements that connect us to the majority of IM users worldwide.”
The quote above and Akiba Saeedi’s response were from a phone interview I did with her. I asked the “technical or political” question, and got the response. And even though I didn’t write it, her response indicated to me that Microsoft didn’t want to play ball, not the other way around. Now she never stated that, and as such, I didn’t write it. To make that assumption is not something I would post as a journalist.
Anyway, in his article entitled IBM Snubs MSN with Sametime Gateway, Bryan Betts wrote this:
Conspicuously missing from the compatibility list are MSN Messenger and Microsoft’s Live Communication Server. The snub to Microsoft appears to be a business decision by IBM, not a technical or political issue – IBM obviously reckons it can reach all the business IM users it needs, without involving Redmond.
“Conspicuously missing” instead of “noticeably absent.” “Business decision” instead of “Business agreement,” and “technical or political” is verbatim. My article 12/06/06. His article 12/08/06. What do you think? It’s nice that someone does their reporting by using someone else’s article. Then to top it off, he spins it like IBM are a bunch of bastards. Totally unprofessional. That’s the final straw for El Reg for me.
EDIT: Reading further I noticed that he referenced Trillian and GAIM too, like oh I dunno, I DID. Here’s mine:
The buddy list will show users from all the platforms in a unified list, much like standalone instant messaging clients Trillian or GAIM. The user’s status will show in the client, letting a user know whether a contact is available, away or doesn’t want to be disturbed.
Here’s his:
The gateway allows you to have Sametime, AIM, Yahoo! and GoogleTalk contacts all in one single list, just as you can with third-party IM clients such as Trillian or GAIM.
Nice professional journalism, eh?
EDIT #2: I had read his stuff and become pissed so fast that I didn’t even read it completely through. Here is another example of re-appropriation in the same article. I asked Akiba Saeedi a question in my interview and got this quote:
“Back in the old days, email was proprietary. You could only send within one system. Eventually it became federated and you could email everyone using the same standards. IM will go the same way, and we’re purposely being a leader in that federation.”
Here’s his “reporting:”
IBM likens it to the evolution of email from its proprietary days, when you could only write to other users on the same network, to today’s open network that lets anyone email anyone else.
My article wasn’t a press release for regurgitation. It was my ideas, my interview and my writing. To simply re-write that and pass it off without attribution is something no good journalist would ever do.
December 8, 2006 @ 9:41 am
What amazes me is that someone would actually try to do this in this day and age. Did they think they wouldn’t get caught? This is one time where I hope that the offending person loses their job.
December 8, 2006 @ 9:56 am
Well I doubt that THAT would happen. He didn’t copy chunks verbatim, but I think it’s fairly clear where he did his research.
Just kinda ticks me off as I did the actual interview and worked through it and asked the political/technical issue and phrased it exactly that way. To see it show up elsewhere was just annoying.
Cause basically, I did all the work. And someone else re-wrote it and got paid for it. [sigh]
I guess I should just be thrilled that someone thought enough of my work to copy it
December 9, 2006 @ 1:40 pm
Hello John, congratulations on a well-written and researched story.
I’m intrigued though that you think <u>my</u> story could only be based on yours. Who could *fail* to notice the absence of MSN and LCS? For example, a story in Computerworld here: { Link }
Did he copy you too?
And you are not the only one to be told by IBM that it was a business decision – see Barbara Darrow’s CRN story here: { Link }
As for the reference to Trillian and GAIM, I’ve been a (very happy) GAIM user for some years now and I know my way around the IM topic. Enough said.
Oh, and the move from proprietary to open email – I’ve been using email since 1980-something, and I remember the days when you were lucky to have access to an Internet gateway, even if you had to use special syntax to address anyone through it. Again, I’m quite capable of drawing my own parallels there, thanks.
Lastly, at least I didn’t cut & paste the quotes from AOL and Yahoo that were in the IBM press release – “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”
December 9, 2006 @ 2:19 pm
Hello Bryan,
I don’t feel bad at all about taking quotes from a press release. That’s what press releases are specifically for, they give you those quotes so you can, oh, I dunno QUOTE THEM. I’ve seen those quotes all over the web.
Secondly, I knew that everyone would would notice the lack of MSN, but I was the one who asked the specific “political or technical” question. You took that specific phrase that I asked in my interview and used it verbatim. Couldn’t find anything better in your thesaurus?
And besides, you state in your article that Lotus SNUBBED Microsoft. If so, that would very much be a political decision. Your use of the term political, and saying it wasn’t after the tone of your article makes no sense. Seems like something you would do in a hasty rewrite.
Also, in the CRN article, that guy actually asked his own question (like a good reporter does) and got a direct quote from Mike. He DID the legwork, unlike yourself.
I’m not saying that all of my ideas are completely unique, but the fact that there are SO many similarities lead me to believe that your “research” was reading other people articles and simply rewriting them… mine specifically.
Hell you could have switched it up and said GAIM and Trillian instead of Trillian and GAIM. At least it could have looked like you tried.
On the move from proprietary to open email, in your article you say, and this is priceless, “IBM likens it to the evolution of email from it’s proprietary days.” IBM says huh? I don’t remember that in the press release. Can you show me where IBM said that? Could it have been the quote from MY article perhaps??? Don’t say that it was you drawing your own parallel. You specifically said that “IBM likens it.”
SO it couldn’t have been an original thought, since you are stating that IBM thinks that. If you had said that You yourself thought that, its one thing.
Face it man. You ripped me off, and you are unrepentant about it. Does it feel good?
Anyway, please understand if I don’t reciprocate the “well-written and well-researched” praise.
Happy Holidays,
December 12, 2006 @ 1:35 pm
Buenos dias mi Amigo!
I have to admit it, I think it’s kind of cool that somebody “paraphrased” you work -just proves you’re good enough to pay attention to.
Congrats on hitting the big time!