Rummy Resigns!!!
Wow, first the Republicans are thoroughly trounced in the election and now Rumsfeld resigns. I’m like a giddy schoolgirl! 🙂
Wow, first the Republicans are thoroughly trounced in the election and now Rumsfeld resigns. I’m like a giddy schoolgirl! 🙂
November 8, 2006 @ 3:14 pm
It was inevitable. With the hatred the Pelosicrats have for Secretary Rumsfeld there would be no way to get anything done…
Have I said I dig your site template?!?
November 8, 2006 @ 4:14 pm
Thanks! I’ve been having fun tweaking it and it’s getting to be about right…
And FYI, it’s just not just the Dems that hate Rumsfeld… There’s a whole long line of people that hate him, even within his own military.
But you’re right, Rummy knew the writing was on the wall at that point, so it was definitely time for him to CUT AND RUN
November 12, 2006 @ 11:09 pm
Actually Johnny, I don’t think that you are not looking at this with the proper Machiavellian slant.
So, in a time of predictable headlines which are about to be painting the White House in the worst light ever (in their view) they finally pull the trigger on something that they have been taking heat over for several years, the acceptance of Rummie’s resignation.
This allows the White House to maintain some presence in the headlines for something which isn’t the impending Democratic Legislature and steals a little of the lime-light from the Democrats.
Purely political timing. Had the Republicans won, or if they still had one of the houses of the Legislature, I believe that he would still have his job.