Lukas Rossi is the lead singer of Supernova!

Congrats to Lukas Rossi, the new lead singer of Supernova! Man, did I call it or what 🙂
So when it comes to RockStar, I’m two for two on picking the winner. Contrast that to American Idol where I have picked the second place contestant EVERY SINGLE SEASON. Eeek… Anyway, I really look forward to the Supernova stuff. Should kick some major ass. Lukas was the right choice. Just look at him up there, he FITS!
September 14, 2006 @ 12:12 pm
Good call man! From my post early on, of the 5 I really liked the first week, 3 of them were in the top 4 – Toby, Dilana, and Lukas.
Like I said before, I’m not really that big on Lukas’ voice. He’s good, has good pitch, and does fit in with the other three.
Know what I’m really disappointed with? The music of Supernova that they played last night as a band. It’s so bland and straight forward. Nothing really special. I know there’s only so much that can be done with a trio, but neither my wife or I were impressed.
September 15, 2006 @ 4:13 pm
I’m glad it’s a Canuck two-fer, but I was seriously hoping they’d take Dilana. Yeah, yeah, we all knew they couldn’t handle the ‘chick’ part of her backstage schtick and she wrote more literally than the band prefered, but as a performer her look and her sound suited the band better (in my humble opinion). And, seriously, she was such a way-out-there performer, that I would have been willing to part with serious money to see a gig with her fronting Supernova.
I’m not sure I could take Lucas for a two-hour set. He just doesn’t change it up that much.
I’m with Chris on being disappointed in the Supernova originals they demo’ed on the show. Really kinda boring when you come right down to it. Ryan, Lucas, Storm, Toby and Magni all had better original tracks than Supernova.
September 17, 2006 @ 10:33 am
Dude, this post puts you very close to having a vagina. I real man does not fret his predicitions on American Idol. What’s next, predictions on “Dancing with the Stars?”
September 18, 2006 @ 2:02 pm
A “real man” does whatever he wants without worring about whether it’s going to impact his perceived “maleness”.
(In fact I’d apply the same to “real women” and their perceived “femaleness”, too.)
September 19, 2006 @ 10:48 am
Oooooooh… dancing with the stars
I’m secure enough in my
vaginamanhood to enjoy my American Idol predictions, so there!Thanks for coming to my defense Deb, but Tim is one of my best friends. We are contantly busting each other’s balls…