Insult to fucking injury
This week, we got a hot tub hand-me-down from my in-laws. We installed it on our deck on Saturday and Sunday and filled it up, waiting for Monday morning (a holiday here in the States) to try it out. So Sunday night I go to bed and wake up a half an hour later with a horrible sore throat and completely dry throat and mouth. I was really sick.
Turns out I had strep throat. So from bedtime Sunday night, until 5:30 on Tuesday I never got more than an hour of sleep without waking up with a knife in my closing throat. I had fevers well over 100, off and on violent shaking chills, couldn’t really eat anything non-liquid and felt like crap. I sat on the couch with no TV and no XBox 360 on at all. I had no want or need other than to stop the pain. I got into the doctors office at 3 PM on Tuesday and by 5 I had my antibiotics and painkillers and was at home. I ate what little soup I could manage to choke down, took my drugs and laid down. I woke up 8 hours later at 1 AM Wednesday morning. Still felt like crap, but the swelling had gone down some and the pain was dimmed a bit.
Well this whole situation really sucked, because on Wed. I was supposed to fly to Pittsburgh to catch opening night of the NFL on Thursday. My Miami Dolphins vs. the Super Bowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers. My buddies Declan and Terri had hooked me up. Well because I was sick, I really couldn’t go. I had already taken two personal days from being sick, and couldn’t afford to really miss more time…and besides, I still felt pretty crappy most of the day on Wed. and was probably still contagious at that point. No need to add that to an airplane.
So tonight was the game. The spectacle of opening night was amazing and I was incredibly bummed that I was not there. But, I really felt like the Dolphins had a chance to beat the Steelers, even if no one BUT Dolphin fans felt that way. And you know what, we COULD have, but a couple big plays and a couple huge mistakes cost us. Steelers 28 – Dolphins 17. Michael Lehan, you suck. Just thought you should know. I attribute his one stupid penalty to turning the tide. What the fuck are we doing with a Cleveland Brown cast off anyway… gah.
Anyway, I’ve also lost a bet to Mr. Lynch, and as soon as I get my hands on a Steelers jersey, I will be posting a pic of myself wearing said finery. The Steelers are a good team, and I’ll give them their props. But we could have, and should have, beaten them.
So to recap, 3 days of mind-numbing sickness ruining a holiday and causing me to take off 2 work days. The sickness causing me to NOT travel to Pittsburgh for opening night (5 rows from the field to be precise) I lose my non-refundable airfare, and the Dolphins lose. To top it all off…
I still haven’t been able to get in the damn hot tub.
September 8, 2006 @ 2:51 am
I can totally symapthise with the strep throat, as I had it a couple of months ago. The only positive is that as soon as you get on the anti biotics things start to get better very quickly.
Get well soon.
September 8, 2006 @ 8:52 am
And it’s going to be even worse when your team gets crushed in Fantasy Football this weekend.
September 8, 2006 @ 1:28 pm
Sorry you feel so crappy, and that it ruined your fun trip. Personally I find large quantities of alcohol help, preferably in addition to cough syrup… hope this is your one bout for the year cause it sounds like a doozy!
Dolphins? Really Grey, I do hope you’re a Blackhawks fan too…
September 8, 2006 @ 3:47 pm
Pretty much hate all Chicago teams Kristina… Always been a Dolphins fan, stopped watching baseball after the strike, (used to be a Yankee fan, but I like the WhiteSox – Simply because most of Chicago are Cub fans, and I love to tweak them) As for hockey. eh. I can leave it. Just don’t get into it.
The only real sport is football my friends, football!
And damnit Sean, I know. There is NO WAY in hell I should lose to Declan this weekend, but he’s already up 50 points… yikes.
And Matt, thanks. The antibiotics are helping quite a bit. I’m still more tired and woozy than I need to be, but I’ll live. At least there is no deep dark piercing pain in my neck anymore…
September 9, 2006 @ 10:48 pm
Anytime I feel bad, I gargle neat whisky.. Never had Strep Throat..
Lots of hangovers though.. 🙂
Get well soon. Happy hot-tubbing…
—* Bill
September 11, 2006 @ 11:16 am
I like your methods Bill, I really do
Finally got in the hot tub Saturday night too… Things are on the upswing!
September 13, 2006 @ 12:09 pm
Bummer about those tickets. I”m glad you’re getting over your strep throat, and I’m kind of jealous about the hot tub.
BTW -We bought a house. We won’t close escrow until mid October, but headed to MI at the end of this month. FINALLY I will get to experience an autumn! (It’s been over 25 years, I think I’m about due).