Lotusphere registration: Discount for certified folks this year?
Since Lotusphere registration has officially begun, what caught my eye was the pricing. Early bird is the same as the high prices last year I believe…
Our pricing scheme is easy: The earlier you register, the more you save.
- Now until October 13, the fee is $1695. This is the lowest it will be for all members of the Lotus community. The early bird saves money!
- On October 14, the fee will go up to $1895.
- And on December 9, the standard conference fee of $2095 will apply.
In year’s past we also got a $500 discount for being Lotus certified. No mention of that anywhere yet… I’ve got a forum post out there to see if it’s coming. The thing I don’t like is the “This is the lowest it will be for ALL MEMBERS of the Lotus community.” Grrrrrrr….
The hotel prices seem the same or cheaper this year though, so that shouldn’t be bad… Time to go talk to the boss 🙂
August 17, 2006 @ 11:22 am
You are going to submit an abstract for this year, right?