Rockstar: Supernova
Just wanted to get my Rockstar predictions out there. I think Lukas will win, but Toby will give him a run for his money. I think the two final females will be Storm and Dilana.
I think that Supernova could be good with a female lead singer, but I just don’t see Storm or Dilana as having enough vocal range to really put them over the top. They look the part, and both have the stage presence necessary (which some others SORELY lack) and they have good vocals. I just think the limited range will do them in.
Lukas on the other hand already performs like he’s had the gig for years. We’ll see. No matter what, I really look forward to what kind of music we’ll see from Supernova.
July 19, 2006 @ 10:12 am
I was going to blog about last night, but I’ll just post some stuff here! I only caught the last half of the show, so I didn’t get to see Storm, Lukas, or Toby. From my post about the first show, I claimed that the final 5 may be: Toby, Zayra, Jenny, Dilana, and Lukas:
But after seeing Jenny and Zayra’s performances last night I’m thinking “NO” on them. Zayra was horribly pitchy and sounded really bad. I can’t get why the band raved about her after the performance last night!
They also really like Dilana. She had another good performance. I felt like I was back in high school again with the mid-90s song choices!! REM, Soul Asylum, STP, and The Cranberries! What’s up with that?!?
July 19, 2006 @ 11:19 am
I thought Jenny was horrible from the beginning, and couldn’t believe she wasn’t in the bottom three the last two weeks. Now she BETTER be there this week!
I liked Zayra the first week, but I figured she should go after last week. And as pretty as Dana is, she should go too. I agree with Lukas’ Week 1 assessment “Dana couldn’t handle a party with Supernova, much less fronting the band.” And I agree.
What did you think of Lukas retooling the Stones? I think it sounded very modern…
Should continue to be a good season.
July 19, 2006 @ 1:41 pm
I think the guitar really helps Jenny out. I didn’t get to hear Lukas’ Stones tune. I somehow missed the show last wee too while on vacation… That’s a hilarious (but true) assessment of Dana by Lukas!
July 27, 2006 @ 5:58 pm
I predict that it will come down to Lukas and Dilana.
Personally, I think Dilana is the better fit.
Lukas has too much ego.
Dilana is just plain great to watch. You never know what she’s going to do. She can lead. She can sing. And she’d probably be easy for them to tour with. Every song she’s done has been presented differently and each time it’s been fantastic.
Plus, she’s always got the audience right in the palm of her hand. They love her.
Supernova could definitely make money with her leading.
People will pay. People will come.
People will also definitely come to see Lukas. He’s talented. No doubt. But I don’t see him able to keep his ego in check long enough to keep the band from blowing itself apart. He doesn’t really seem to me to be a team player.
So far neither of them have really had to deal with any kind of harsh criticism from the guys.
It’ll be interesting to see how they deal with that when it finally happens.
I can’t wait until they finally get rid of Zayra. As far as I’m concerned, she may be considered nice to look at, but I don’t like her rendition of anything she’s done so far…and we had to turn the sound off while she butchered Evanescence. We just couldn’t take it.
Can you tell I’m totally hooked on the show?
July 28, 2006 @ 11:45 am
I’m totally with ya Deb. I cannot believe that they didn’t get rid of her this week. I really felt that Phil had the best performance I’ve seen from him, and then they whacked him. Unreal that she’s still there.
My thought is that they think neither one of them would ever be the singer, so you might as well keep around Zayra as she contributes more to the reality factor.
Also…how numbered are Jill’s days
August 21, 2006 @ 2:00 pm
Hey I am soooo Happy that Zayra is FINALLY GONE!!!! But i Think that Patrice is next to go! so how numbered are her days????……..