If you liked Jim Gaffigan at Lotusphere…
If you liked Jim Gaffigan at Lotusphere and wondered how to get a copy of his set, it’s pretty easy. He has a CD (and DVD) out called Beyond The Pale. I downloaded it on my Yahoo! Music Unlimited service and listened on the train the other day. It’s recorded in Chicago, and is pretty much the exact same set he did at Lotusphere. So, if you liked his set, you can find a copy pretty easily out there.
Hot Pockets…
March 9, 2006 @ 8:49 am
Curiously, before LS06, I’d never heard of Hot Pockets. In the past few weeks, they’ve started running TV adverts for the here in the UK.
From what I heard about them there, I’m not running out to buy any
March 10, 2006 @ 12:19 pm
‘He’s talking crazy… talking about downloading sets…’