Well THAT was surely unexpected…
Yup, you guessed it, the “just one drink” thing didn’t work out so well. I couldn’t resist the siren song of Kimono’s and karaoke. Heh.
Anyway, it was a fun night, everyone gathered around the pool at the reception first… It was a blogger bash to behold. Paul Mooney called me the meat in his Paul and Libby sandwich. It was a theme that would permeate the evening.
There were some killer song renditions. Chris Byrne did a mean “At This Moment” by Billy Vera and the Beaters, his co-presenter Deb rocked a couple songs including “Miss Independent” by Kelly Clarkson. Devin Olson and his bevy of beauties did “Paradise by the Dashboard Light” by the almighty Meatloaf. The super-heroine U-Turn returned to show us that she was a “Material Girl” while Turtle belted out “Brian Wilson” by the Barenaked Ladies. Jess Stratton was brilliant as usual with a couple of tunes, while doing my personal favorite “Turn Off The Light” by Nellie Furtado.
But, I think the show was stolen by Mr. Jess. Yes, Matt was there, and he has earned the nickname “White Chocolate.” He was insane on stage. He did “Rapper’s Delight” by The Sugarhill Gang, and the “Humpty Dance” by Digital Underground. Over 10 minutes of killer rap, WITHOUT looking at monitors… WOW. Matt is tre cool.
I had to get a couple in as well. Ray Bilyk and I did BNL’s “If I Had $1000000” and then I had to revisit my mullet past. Due to Mr. Mooney posting by youthful long haired picture, I decided that I needed to talk the talk. I dedicated “Cherry Pie” by Warrant to Paul, the meat in my sandwich.
Paul, Turtle and Warren then responded with someTom Jones. Paul showed off his two chest hairs, and I have photographic evidence. It will be shared soon… You won’t want to miss it.
So far, we’re off to a rocking start! Welcome to Lotusphere my friends!
Technorati tags: lotusphere2006
January 24, 2006 @ 11:22 pm
Matt’s rap was truely one of the incredible things of the evening.
January 26, 2006 @ 9:45 pm
Tim, you SO need to send me a picture, we cross paths all the time in comments over on Turtle’s and such, and I dunno if we have ever actually met IN person. Obviously we were both in Kimono’s at the same time, so maybe I know the face and am not adding up the fact that it’s you…
February 1, 2006 @ 3:27 pm
Define “mean”