Always a bridesmaid…
I was at the IBM Lotus Notes/Domino 7 Live event yesterday and it was pretty cool. Looking forward to getting this release in-house and I cannot wait for the new Sametime improvements as those look really cool (but not coming atcha until Q2 2006.)
Anyway, I didn’t get to fire up FeedDemon until today. Well when I did, I saw all my favorite bloggers announcing that they would be presenting at Lotusphere. In fact, as I look at my Trillian buddy list right now, every single one of the Notes/Domino contacts that I can see online right now are presenting. Very cool.
So that means that I’m friends with a lot of really talented people, and that the Notes blogosphere is alive, kicking, and full of really damn smart folks.
But, for the second year in a row, I was declined. So I’m a little bummed about that. Especially when nearly everyone I hang out with WILL be presenting. Heh. It’s okay though, not having responsibilities at the ‘sphere allow me to have more karaoke time at Kimono’s. I’ll be the one egging on my friends to stay for one more song… 🙂
And mark my words, I WILL present at Lotusphere some day. I’ve got some stuff that I think will take off in this next year, and that will be something great to wrap a session around. Until then, I’ll have to be content with being a bridesmaid!
Technorati tags: lotusphere
November 4, 2005 @ 12:12 am
I guess I’m in the same wedding party as you… or maybe I’m NOT one of your favorite bloggers….
I wish I was as optimistic as you right now…. I’m having a career crisis right now…. Maybe I should drink as I’m writing this…. I don’t know anymore….
November 4, 2005 @ 8:56 am
I’m with you guys as well. Declined two years in a row… If I manage to even get Lotusphere approved this year (which doesn’t look very likely these days…) then I’ll join you for drinking and singing!
November 4, 2005 @ 10:17 am
Well at least I’m going for sure, so that helps.
And of course you’re a favorite blogger Ray, I just don’t have you on my IM buddy list
Have faith guys, hopefully I’ll see you both there. And Ray, I know something about career crisis myself… let me know if you need anything.
November 10, 2005 @ 9:19 am
Of all the abstracts I submitted, the one that I thought would be least likely to be picked was, in fact, approved: (URL ) Kinda weird I guess.
Looking forward to “hangin’ a da ‘sphere” with you again,