More info on the proposed smoking ban in Chicago
Shit, I didn’t know it, but there are two competing oridinances proposed for limiting smoking in Chicago. One is a total ban, and the other is almost exactly what I would do as outlined in my previous blog entry. Read it and tell me it isn’t a good compromise.
Also, it looks as if there is a lot of evidence that smoking bans hurt businesses overall. Even in California.
More info at
Technorati Tags: smoking, anti-smoking, smoking ban
October 5, 2005 @ 8:48 pm
Um, that “evidence” is hardly an unbiased source. I’m not saying I disagree with you totally, but I find it hard to take that analysis seriously. It has many tell tale signs of selective data.l
October 5, 2005 @ 9:49 pm
Well I agree that it IS biased, and I read it that way too, although some of the stats of more bars closing during a booming economy do sound fairly legit.
I do realize that folks can warp statistics any way they want to, but for me, many of these make good cases. Especially some of the articles that quote restaurant owners in towns like the Madison WI one here
No matter the statistics, I would rather see compromise than all out ban.
The non-smokers in this case don’t want compromise unfortunately.