Violent videogames do not cause aggression
I’ve said this all along, violent videogames do not MAKE a person violent. Blaming Grand Theft Auto or Doom 3 for your child’s murderous rampage is dilusional at best. Well here’s some research to support my stance.
It’s up to us as parents to teach our kids right from wrong, and fantasy from reality. If we don’t, it’s OUR shortcoming, not because music, movies, TV or videogames made our kids do it. Time to take responsiblity damnit.
August 16, 2005 @ 8:28 am
I’d probably even go as far as saying that violent video games reduce the violent tendancies in a person – the video games are providing a safe channel/outlet. I’ve often wondered whether the studies are so stuck on a particular view that they’ve never even THOUGHT about this particular angle. Hasn’t anyone noticed that it’s the Barney generation that’s going in and storming the schools?
August 16, 2005 @ 7:14 pm
Besides, violent crime in general, and violent crime among minors has been steadily declining since the mid-90’s. IF video games have an influence, it isn’t enough to overcome whatever is causing the rates to go down.