Programming Language Inventor or Serial Killer?
Okay, now THIS is funny: Programming Language Inventor or Serial Killer? I only got 60%… scary. 😀
Okay, now THIS is funny: Programming Language Inventor or Serial Killer? I only got 60%… scary. 😀
August 12, 2005 @ 2:00 pm
I got 90% myself. The truly scary guy is the Russian Hannibal Lecter. I saw an HBO Movie that dealt with him and was amazed at the whole story. Not only was this guy a complete psycho, but the polit bureau of the USSR ws so worried about saving face and not admitting that their was a serial killer in their country. It was only through the tireless effort of one man that this guy was finally caught. And in the end, he was not what you would have expected a serial killer to look like or act.
August 16, 2005 @ 8:31 am
Here’s another one for you:
Star Wars Character or Hip Hip artist?
August 16, 2005 @ 4:59 pm
8 out of 10. that interface is pretty neat.