No doubt preacher-man! See, that’s the thing that frustrates me, everyone wants to blame everything on something else instead of taking responsibility for their own actions. I don’t think that reading the bible will any more make you a serial killer than playing Doom3 does. But of course we have to have legislation to ban things that some people just don’t get.
Drives me insane… OH MY GOODNESS, maybe BLOGGING is contributing to my evil nature!!! BAN BLOGS NOW!
March 23, 2005 @ 11:41 am
Oh Oh!!!
So if I play video games, and Warhammer, AND study the Bible I guess I’m a walking psycho-tragedy just waiting to happen!
March 24, 2005 @ 11:07 am
No doubt preacher-man!
See, that’s the thing that frustrates me, everyone wants to blame everything on something else instead of taking responsibility for their own actions. I don’t think that reading the bible will any more make you a serial killer than playing Doom3 does. But of course we have to have legislation to ban things that some people just don’t get.
Drives me insane… OH MY GOODNESS, maybe BLOGGING is contributing to my evil nature!!! BAN BLOGS NOW!
Take Care,