For Sale: Canon 6.1 megapixel Digital Rebel digital SLR
Hey all, I bit the bullet and upgraded my digital camera to a Canon 20D. I wanted an SLR that had a few more features than the Rebel that I’ve been using for about a year and a half. I saw an opportunity to buy it at three years of no interest, so I made the leap.
As such, I now have a wonderful camera and lens for sale. New, these go for $1000 with the 18-55mm lens. I’d sell mine for $600 if someone has the cash, otherwise I’m putting her up on eBay. If you’ve seen me taking pictures at Lotusphere, it’s been with my Rebel. It’s been a great camera, so if you’re interested, drop me a line at greyhawk68 AT gmail DOT com.
March 2, 2005 @ 6:01 pm
Nikon, think Nikon 😉
March 2, 2005 @ 6:34 pm
Sorry, I’m a Canon freak. Had several Canon digi-cams, the digital rebel and now the 20D. I also have Canon lenses and a flash. There’s no switching sides on this debate
Take Care,