On the social side…
On the social side of things last night, we had the vendor showcase reception which was nice. More free food booze (always good) and snacky type foods. The OpenNTF booth was totally hopping. They weren’t selling anything and they weren’t giving anything away that you couldn’t already download, but they were extremely popular. I think it was due to booth babes Mac and Jerry 🙂
Anyway, many of us were still hungry after the event, so we made a pilgrimage to Peaches and Cream, an old style ice cream fountain. We were there for food however, and the chili dogs did NOT disappoint.
Next was off to the Penumbra group’s suite. It was very nice to be invited (thanks Melissa and Dan) and it was great hanging out with such intelligent people.
Then, when I was thinking bed was an extremely good option, I was told that Joe was making rum drinks over in Le Chateau de Duffbert. Well I couldn’t turn that down, so we hoofed it back over there. Well it was a blast. Pretty much every person there was a blogger and the conversations were awesome. Rocky was finally introduced to the magic that IS Ass Tools. Julian was so proud.
Jess, Jonvon and I were marvelling over Joe as he created his drinks. We all envisioned him as a mad scientist with a huge wizard hat cackling over a steaming brew. Joe is SERIOUS about his mixology. And we were all the beneficiaries of his furrowed brow. Once again a great time had by all…
Around about midnight, several people remembered that the special CLP Breakfast was in the morning at 7AM. We all looked at our drinks and the time and laughed about the plausibility of us all making it. Well I’ll probably get shit for this one, but I overslept and missed it completely, and I was one of the first to leave the Duffbert unoffical blogger BOF. Well, it turned out that the breakfast was really nothing worth turning out for (except for the fine company) so I think the extra hour and a half of sleep was a good trade off!
Off to more adventures… OpenNTF BOF, blogging and collaboration in Wiki’s by Dec and Richard, Rocky’s Formula BigTop and more… good content day!