Technology Rules! (and Social Networks)
Yesterday I did something that I thought was really cool. I created a 6 page newsletter in MS Publisher. It was complete with graphics, tables, pictures etc. etc. I then saved it as a Flash .swf file using Flash Paper from Macromedia. Then I turned to Dreamweaver to create the code for a page with an embedded element that showed the publisher file inline with navigation controls and the like. I then cut and pasted that code into a Lotus Domino database as pass-thru HTML. It then got served up to Firefox and looked great.
Okay, not a big deal, but I just thought it was cool that the combination of tools from three different vendors worked pretty well together to produce a very rich quick loading page with nice content and presentation. It didn’t take me long and I was pretty impressed with the results. Can’t wait to do more. I LOVE creating for the web…
Next, I have joined the social networking sites Orkut, LinkedIn and OpenBC. Most of my contacts at this point are other bloggers, but if you want to link up, let me know. I’ll write more about each one soon.