What persuasion are you?
My buddy Mike had his results on his site, so I thought I would post mine 🙂 I’ll get off the politics then for awhile!
You Are a “Don’t Tread On Me” Libertarian |
![]() You distrust the government, are fiercely independent, and don’t belong in either party. Religion and politics should never mix, in your opinion… and you feel opressed by both. You don’t want the government to cramp your self made style. Or anyone else’s for that matter. You’re proud to say that you’re pro-choice on absolutely everything! |
November 9, 2004 @ 3:00 pm
I was surprised by your results.
Anyway, have you tried The World’s Smallest Political Quiz yet? It can be found at http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz.html
November 10, 2004 @ 9:12 am
Did you notice the questions and results were apparently written by a small government libertarian? The question on tax cuts, for example, doesn’t include the deficit hawk’s answer: Nobody, until we stop mortgaging our (and more importantly, our children’s) future! The assumption is that tax cuts are a good thing and the only question is who should get them, with no mention made of whether programs should be cut or the deficit increased to pay for them.
The social security question is equally one-sided, with all the answers making the usual small government assumption that SS is just a retirement plan run by the feds (as you know, it is no such thing, because the money you put into it isn’t sitting in an account, it’s paying for existing retiree benefits, so the idea of privatizing it is unbelievably naive from both a financial perspective – where’s the money come from to pay out all the benefits in the intervening years while MY money is going into an account instead of funding Granny Smith’s rent – and a moral perspective – we already HAVE 401k accounts, SS is designed as a safety net so people don’t starve in the streets like they did during the Great Depression, NOT as a retirement account where if the stock market crashes you don’t get to go on as many cruise ships).
The morality questions, while they worked out fine for ME (’cause I’m either libertarian or flaming liberal, depending on the particular issue), would make a social conservative scream.
Oh, and I’m considered a New Democrat, mostly because I wasn’t willing to answer the “small government vs big government” questions the way the author wanted me to, so I had to default to big government as the lesser of two evils…
The most egregious lapse in the quiz is the “who would you vote for” question. They left out my candidate: West Wing’s Bartlett!
November 10, 2004 @ 2:02 pm
Heck, I’m a Libertarian (as I recently discovered) and even I would vote for Bartlett!