For those of you that can see my moblog, you can see a picture of an older 15 inch Apple Titanium Powerbook G4. Our main web developer here got a brand new 17 inch one, so I’ve inherited the hand-me-down to play around with.
I’ve never laid hands on an Apple, much less OS X before, so it’s a completely new experience, and pretty cool I must admit. So, all you mac zealots out there, give me suggestions on what must-have software downloads I should obtain.
I’ve already got Notes 6.5.3 installed, as well as Mozilla. What other fun stuff should I jump on? Here’s your chance to convince me to switch. At least my business laptop that is 🙂
October 13, 2004 @ 12:30 pm
The first thing I do… on ANY platform… is get Firefox. I like Safari. And 2.0 looks really sweet (the RSS integration in 2.0 might get me to move back). But… it’s not Firefox. I also use Thunderbird for mail as I don’t think Apple’s Mail can really be considered in the same league. (unfortunate, as the rest of Apple’s stuff is great. if they went with the iTunes interface where folders = playlists, I might “think different”)
For a business laptop… to really see the difference between Mac/’doze, believe it or not… check out Microsoft Office. The Mac versions are far superior to the ‘doze versions.
For the stuff we all want to do, pick up iLife. iPhoto is a wonderful piece of software, as is iDVD and iMovie. Nothing even close to any of these on the dark side.
iChat isn’t the best pure chat client, but for video/audio, again… there is no competition. 3.0’s going to be even more impressive.
Start with what Apple gives you… for the rest, Apple’s got a great software guide here: http://www.apple.com/macosx/applications/