Adamantly Indifferent
I thought I would share a poem I wrote years ago about the type of people who are violently non-commital when it comes to anything. During this election, please ask your friends to avoid being indifferent. This is no time to be that way.
Adamantly Indifferent
Apathy breeds ignorance
Or so some people say
I think I may have to prove them wrong
But just not today
Neither left nor right
Day nor night
Always sitting on the fence
They never want to get involved
I’m sure that’s time well spent
Nothing but veiled convictions
She says she doesn’t care
The life we lead, the air we breathe
Doesn’t change from standard fare
He agrees wholeheartedly
He cannot make a change
Don’t count your vote
Don’t rock the boat
Your funeral’s arranged
You need to believe in something
With a passion that’s easy to see
Otherwise you’re a hollow shell
Indifferent, Adamantly