A mention in SearchDomino
Well, it wasn’t a big thing (since I’m included with a HUGE list) but I feel pretty good to be mentioned in a SearchDomino article on best Domino blogs. No, I wasn’t one of the BEST, but I was included in the “rest of the best” section. It’s pretty cool that someone like SearchDomino even noticed! Um, thanks for showing up folks!
July 27, 2004 @ 8:45 pm
So which one’s were the best? It’s hard to determine on SearchDomino’s site.
July 27, 2004 @ 10:03 pm
I know, it seems like the links were circular or broken. Isn’t that always the way with SearchDomino
Hopefully it will work soon. Hell, I’m just happy to be mentioned at all!
July 27, 2004 @ 10:43 pm
Amazingly enough they also included my blog!? Dot sure why they bothered with the RSS links though – why not just link to http://www.News4notes.com excellent OPML listing!?