
For those of you that haven’t seen it listed yet on other blogs, be sure to check out LNDCentral. Joerg Michael is trying to make this a Slashdot for the Lotus community. I think it’s a pretty good idea, but I really hope that it doesn’t take away from individual blogging. I really like that aspect of our community, and I hope that this doesn’t cannibalize it.

Also, interestingly enough, the site does NOT run on Domino or Portal. It’s running on a PHP based system. There is some talk about it in this thread where Alan L asks why it’s not on Domino. My response? IBM needs to step up to the plate and offer free software and licensing, and maybe the community will run with it then. Otherwise it’s just too expensive to do for a community site like this, especially when open source tools are available for free. I guess it’s the “right tool for the right job” situation. Also, if you want to give a feedback or review of my site, please feel free to do so here.