Online Status Servers for Instant Messengers
I’ve seen this site mentioned in a couple other blogs awhile ago, but I wanted to let everyone know about the Online Status Indicator page. This site allows you to enter your username for the major IM products and it will spit out code that you can put on a webpage to show your status to the world. Even easier, is that if you are a Blogsphere user, all you have to do is add the server to the Status Server field on the Contact Details tab of the blog config. Currently I’m using but there are several to choose from. Check it out.
Joe Litton
December 27, 2003 @ 4:52 pm
I was using some of the status indicator services for a little while, but it seemed to have a nasty bad effect – slowing down the site load time a lot. Not all the time, but enough that I decided to just list my AIM and Yahoo IDs and let folks take their chances pinging me if they wanted to send a message. I’m kind of curious if others have this issue. Quite possibly I was just too impatient and didn’t try enough of the status indicator sites to find one that is up most of the time and has decent performance.