RIP Baby July 17th – September 23rd 2008
This past week, we got both of my daughters a kitten. It was an early birthday present and each daughter got to pick their own cat. Well my eldest picked out the runt of a litter, an adorable little thing. She named her Baby, and for the last week she has been the perfect Mom to that kitten. The kitten seemed well until Sunday afternoon when it wouldn’t eat and kind of slept funny. We got her to the vet on Monday and the vet said that if necessary we needed to make sure she ate. Well that afternoon, the kitten ate great and seemed well. Then in the evening, it seemed like she was out of it again. We gave her some food and water through a dropper, held her for awhile and put her to bed.
This morning she was unresponsive but still breathing when I left for work. About 15 minutes after I got to work, I got the phonecall. My daughter in tears telling me that Baby was dead. Apparently the kitten waited for my daughter to wake up. She raised her head when she heard Kali’s voice, and then Kali held her. Two minutes later, Baby passed away.
The sound of anguish in my six year old’s voice was horrible. She’s only six, and I’d do anything to take that pain away. Unfortunately there’s nothing I can do. This is one of those lessons she just has to learn from and work through. All we can do is support her…

September 23, 2008 @ 8:09 am
That sucks. Big time.
I’m sorry for you my friend.
I’m even more sorry for your girls. (Not meant to lessen your loss -but when your daughter’s pet dies…. well, it simply sucks. Big time.)
September 23, 2008 @ 8:24 am
I’m sorry man! Our thoughts are with you and your little girls.
September 23, 2008 @ 8:29 am
My heart is breaking for you and the rest of your family John, especially your daughter. I know just how hard the loss of a pet can be — it’s like losing a member of your family. I hope that you guys manage to get her over her loss soon.
September 23, 2008 @ 9:19 am
Hard enough explaining that yes you’re coming back (e.g. from a business trip). The “not coming back” explanation is one I’m hoping to avoid as long as possible.
I hope she bounces back quickly.
September 23, 2008 @ 9:28 am
So sorry to hear this. Your story sounds so familiar to me, because back in 1997 our dog waited for us to get home from Lotusphere and then passed away minutes after we all had our chance to see her one last time, and my older daughter too was six at the time. It’s a very tough lesson indeed for a six year old, and maybe even tougher since she directly witnessed it, but with the loving support of her family she’ll come though it.
September 23, 2008 @ 9:59 am
I’m sorry to hear this man. But if it makes Kali feel any better at some point, just let her know that Baby knew she was in a good place, warm, loved and protected as she passed on. Love couldn’t stop what happened from happening, but it made it easier for Baby in those last minutes.
September 23, 2008 @ 11:17 am
Thanks everyone. Your comments mean a lot. I cannot imagine the old days where I didn’t have a support network like you folks. It truly is appreciated.
@6 Andy Yeah, we explained to her that the last week here was a wonderful one for that kitty. And that Baby knew she was loved the whole time. I had never heard a louder purr in my life than that cat. She was definitely a happy one. Hopefully that brings Kali some comfort. It does me.
September 23, 2008 @ 11:35 am
Bummer, I am sorry to hear about the cat. It’s a crappy lesson to learn at any age but take comfort in fact that Kali’s got such good heart and has the unique ability to love and care for those who need it the most and can not care for themselves. Kali should rest assured that Baby received a full life time of love in the short time she was with you. That is more than many creatures can even hope for.
By the way, I am doing great in sunny Florida. I do love your blog and I have added you to my Feed Daemon so I can keep up. I started my own blog called Kool Beans for writing about stuff that is not related to my work. I will add you to my blogroll.
Take Care
September 23, 2008 @ 11:35 am
I’m really sorry to hear about that. The Roling Pride is our thoughts!
September 29, 2008 @ 7:41 am
Thanks again everyone. All your thoughts meant a lot.
And yes Bob, I definitely remember you. I may have blocked out some people from memory, but you were one of the good ones
Take Care,