R.I.P. Sharon
The day after I posted the news about Sharon, she died around 4AM. The wake and funeral were earlier this week, and it wasn’t easy. Not by a longshot. The wake was supposed to be from 3-8PM but the line finally ended at 9PM. It was solid without any real break in the amount of people coming in. You could tell that she was truly loved.
I was a pall bearer, and while I consider it a very high honor, and was proud to do it, it’s never something I’ll ever get used to. Transporting Sharon to her final resting place made it all the more real. It’s hard to believe that I won’t see that wonderful smile again.
Anyway, rest peacefully Sharon. We’ll miss you.
Sharon M. Kress
March 5th, 1959 – July 22nd, 2006
March 5th, 1959 – July 22nd, 2006
July 28, 2006 @ 9:00 am
I’m profoundly sorry, Grey.
July 28, 2006 @ 9:35 am
Really sorry for you lost.
July 28, 2006 @ 9:47 am
Jon, I’m truly sorry to hear of your loss.
July 28, 2006 @ 3:43 pm
Thanks guys, I appreciate your thoughts. I’m sorry too