I've joined the elite Apple masses… kinda
Well I’ve finally succumbed to gadget lust and joined the shiny, happy Apple elite and bought myself an iPod. With the new job, I’ll be in the car a couple of hours a day, so I thought it was time to start bringing my music with me 🙂
One thing I always thought about Apple products is that they just WORKED. Apple stuff is supposed to have an ease of use that anyone can jump right in. Well that may be the case generally, but the install of the iPod sucked. Not user friendly at all, it locked up my uber machine several times, and it choked while installing when it figured out that I had a new version of iTunes than the one it wanted. I had to uninstall/reinstall several times before I finally got it working. THEN, the iPod itself locked up in the doc, and when I removed it, it changed the menus to Japanese Kanji characters… [sigh]
Well I fixed that finally too, and now everything supposedly is fine. All I know is that I had a rock solid machine that never crashed until I hooked this thing up to it… Apple might rock when connecting to Apple products, but when connecting to Windows, it’s anything BUT the experience I was expecting…
July 5, 2004 @ 7:54 pm
Be sure to get the USB cable for your iPod when working with a PC. I have found that PC firewire cards are hit or miss.
Congrats on the new toy.
July 5, 2004 @ 8:42 pm
Another reason you shouldn’t taint them with your foul products from The Evil Empire.
Did you get the mini iPod? The sassy-ass pink one? Because if your shit still doesn’t work after this, I’ll take it!
July 5, 2004 @ 9:36 pm
Well the FireWire seems to be working for now. I have a Firewire External 250 GB drive and the iPod both connected. Haven’t had a problem with the HD, just the iPod. Still playing with it to make sure everything works okay.
And thank you for your overwhelming concern and generosity Ericka
Unfortunately I picked up the 40GB one, it’s just that crappy white color… hehe
If I continue to have problems, I’ll snag the USB2 cable to see if that works better…
July 6, 2004 @ 7:40 am
If iTunes is still making your machine schizo, check out ephpod – freeware PC-based iPod software. In the Bad Old Days when iTunes for PC wasn’t available, and MusicBotch JokeBox was the only piece of crap, oops I mean software, available, ephpod was a lifesaver. My brother still uses it. Very reliable.
July 6, 2004 @ 9:54 pm
Remember how we met? ephod
July 7, 2004 @ 10:41 am
I knew it was only a matter of time before you broke down and bought it. Now, for the best entertainment, you need to get the iTrip and broadcast your commie propaganda — I mean, your favorite tunes — to people in traffic around you.
Take care,