No longer good enough…

Tomorrow begins the Enterprise Messaging Decisions conference in Chicago. It’s a conference put together by TechTarget (the folks behind to discuss all things messaging in the enterprise. I was signed up to attend about a month and a half ago. But, if you read the blog you know that I was downsized about a month ago. SO, in all fairness, I contacted the conference planners to let them know that I was no longer employed by my previous employer.

Their answer? “Sorry, you’ll have to reapply with stats from your new company” (which I don’t have.) Basically the conference is free, so they limited attendance to those who controlled budgets concerning messaging infrastructures. I understand this, but for basically the last six years I controlled a messaging environment for a $100 million dollar company. I handled the server specs, the software, the installs, the architecture… From Notes, to an Exchange Migration (not my idea), to our Instant Messaging environment (Sametime.) I pretty much ran it all. Chances are, whatever job I end up in I’ll be doing the same thing. So now I’m out of work for a few weeks and I’m no longer good enough to attend. Nothing like being kicked while I’m down… *sigh*